COVID-19 School Plan - Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery

    roberto venn specialty class tool seminar 1 1920x700 1 COVID 19 School Plan

COVID-19 School Plan

In order to ensure the safety and health of our students and staff we have developed a Covid-19 Plan that utilizes online training protocols, in conjunction with our hands-on projects at the school and at home.

Zoom lectures and demonstrations, email assignments and quizzes provide valuable curriculum content, as well as preparing each student with the knowledge they’ll need for the work done on their project acoustic and electric guitars and repair tasks. This method will be used if necessary.

The school’s large indoor workshop and outdoor Ramada area allow enough space for up to 25 to 30 students to work with reasonable social distancing.  If necessary, the school will conduct workshop classes in shifts to ensure that physical distancing allows plenty of space between student benches and any work with power tools, gluing and assembly operations.

Our main objective is to continue close communications with all students, to engage, inspire and meet their goals for obtaining a solid, fundamental education in guitar making and repair.

Below is a summary of the outline we will follow, until local and state leaders and health officials determine that it’s safe to resume regular school operations.

Student Notification Plan

  • We are using the Remind App and email sends to keep all students up to date, with notifications of Zoom lectures, demos, educational videos, assignments, and quizzes when necessary.
  • When needed the school will reach out to students directly, to discuss individual concerns and to make sure they are current with any and all updates.

Distance Education Delivery

  • If needed the school will use  Zoom Video Conferencing as a means of delivering lectures and demonstrations.  Q & A sessions that follow, allow student participation and feedback.
  • The school has converted tests and quizzes using Google forms in order to administer them online.
  • The school is taking roll call at Zoom lectures and demonstrations to verify student engagement.

Hands-on Practicum Delivery and Precautionary Safety Measures

  • While on campus students and staff are required to wear face coverings, and maintain a reasonable social distance to greatly minimize the potential transmission of any virus or germs.
  • Upon entry students are required to take temperatures and sanitize hands. Hand sanitizer supplies are provided in the bathrooms, work sink, and key locations throughout the shop.
  • Student designated work areas are positioned and spread throughout the campus to ensure maximum physical distancing.

Cares Act Funding and HEERF Emergency Grants

For our current Spring Class 2020 – Guitar Making & Repair Course:

Missed Clock Hour Makeup

  • Roberto-Venn’s class schedule aligns in a way that makes it possible for students to make up the missed clock hours beyond the original graduation date. The months of July and August (when we are typically closed) allow an extra 8 weeks cushion for extending the present class.  Our next 5 month Guitar Making and Repair Class is scheduled to begin on August 27th, 2020.
  • We are committed to the student’s education and experience and will do everything we can to ensure they are able to complete the course.
  • Students who are not able to stay for the entire 8 weeks due to leases and other obligations will be given the opportunity to receive extra shop hours to include evening and weekends as needed. The school has identified only 2-3 students who will need this extra time.

Extended Absences/Leave of Absence

  • At this time the school has not had any students fall ill with COVID-19.
  • All students have been instructed to self-quarantine in the event that they have any symptoms.
  • In the event that any student contracts the corona virus, or any other illness for that matter, warranting an extended leave of absence, that student may return to a future class of their choosing and pickup their studies where they left off.  We are committed to the student’s success and will do whatever it takes to help them complete the course and start a new career.

Subsequent Procedures/Information

Roberto-Venn will monitor the situation closely and make modifications to this plan as needed.

Fall 2020 Classes – Winter 2021 Classes

Guitar Making & Repair Course & 10 Week Repair Class:

For students enrolled or considering enrollment for the Roberto-Venn Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 courses – we are prepared to follow all of the safety and precautionary measures listed above.  Class size will be limited to 30 students for the Guitar Making and Repair Course and 8 students for the 10 week Repair Course, in order to meet our physical distancing requirements.

For further information please contact:

William Eaton
Director   |  480-225-6566  |

Bart Applewhite
Assistant Director  |  602-243-1179  |