50th Anniversary Guitar Project - Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery
  • Roberto-Venn 50th Anniversary Guitar Project

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Roberto-Venn 50th Anniversary

To celebrate our school’s 50th anniversary of educating and training students for careers in professional guitar making and repair, we are gifting some rare and historic wood to many of our distinguished alumni and guitar making companies. From this wood, over 50 handcrafted guitars will be built and gathered, in late 2025, for special exhibits and performances.

Roberto-Venn’s 50th Anniversary Project accentuates the many career opportunities available for graduates of the school, and the networking connections the school has made in the past 50 years. The school has been accredited (since 1979), with our primary mission of preparing graduates for a career in guitar making and repair.

The 50th Anniversary Guitar Making Project

The heart of the project centers around the improbable events that brought rosewood and mahogany from the jungles of Nicaragua to Phoenix in the late 1960’s. These tropical hardwoods became the key ‘material’ to start the guitar making school in 1975 (see story below). During the past year we’ve gifted some of this remaining beautiful and historic Nicaraguan rosewood and mahogany to select graduates and many guitar making companies (who hire our graduates), who will all be building a 50th Anniversary Guitar (acoustic and electric guitars and a few other stringed instruments) to be completed by next November 2025.

Tropical hardwood from trees with a unique destiny that started a guitar making school

The rosewood and mahogany varieties and several other hardwood species at Roberto-Venn were originally collected by John Roberts in the late 60’s, with the help of the indigenous Miskito people in Nicaragua. He gathered the wood with the dream of building a yacht. At the time, John was employed by Robinson Lumber Company as their executive pilot, at their lumbermill facility in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua.

When John’s friend, an experienced boat builder, left the country, his ‘yacht’ dream dissolved and he decided to ship the wood he collected to New Orleans and on to Phoenix, on three railroad box cars, to start ‘John Roberts Import Hardwoods.’ That dream lasted awhile but was a fledgling operation. When John met guitar makers Carl Samuels and Ron Carriveau, who taught him how to make guitars, the wood started to find its voice.

After building guitars for a few years John started the Juan Roberto Guitar Works, where he taught locals how to build their own guitars. William Eaton was one of those sign-ups in 1971 and would later return to build another guitar in 1974 and with a business plan in 1975 to help found the school along with added partner Robert Venn, a guitar maker from Bakersfield, California, who had joined with John in 1973.

Since the founding of the Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery in 1975 over 3000 students have attended the school, from every continent except Antarctica. Graduates of the school have branched out to guitar making companies large and small, to repair shops, to wood and guitar parts suppliers, and many have become entrepreneurs themselves starting their own guitar making and/or repair shops, and other guitar related businesses.

The wood from the trees of Nicaragua has seemed to have its own volition, as the story continues, and we witness many fine artisan luthiers who are transforming this wood into beautiful expressions of form and musicality.



For the 50th Anniversary Guitar Making Project the number of guitars will be limited to around 50. Here are some of the notable luthiers guitar making companies who will build instruments for the project:

Roberto-Venn graduates and entrepreneur custom guitar makers: 

  • Michi Matsuda
  • Jason Kostal
  • Ray Kraut
  • Michael Baranik
  • Mario Beauregard
  • Ricky Barlow
  • Scott Walker

Industry icons and luthiers:

  • Bob Taylor (Taylor Guitars)
  • Paul Reed Smith (PRS Guitars)
  • Sergio Villaneuva (Gibson Guitars)
  • Richard Hoover (Santa Cruz Guitars)
  • Paul Waller (Fender Guitars)
  • Steve Nall (Collings Guitars)
  • Joe Naylor (Reverend Guitars)
  • Zach Jones (Rick Turner / Renaissance Guitars)
  • and other guitar making companies 

Each of the companies mentioned have employed many Roberto-Venn graduates over the years, and in most cases these graduates will be heading up the project or working on these instruments, including: 

  • Michael Voltz, former Vice President of Gibson
  • Doug Culberson, Master Luthier at Gibson
  • Austin Hadlock (Chief Engineer at Gibson)
  • Joel Unrein (Quality Control Manager at Gibson in Boseman, Montana)
  • Ben Mashal (co-founder of Pre-War Guitars)
  • Ryan Zalevesky (Senior Research and Design Engineer at Fender)
  • and many others

The entire Roberto-Venn staff will all build a 50th Anniversary Guitar and a diversity of other graduates, including recent graduates, along with at least one graduate builder from every decade since the 1970’s.

fender 50th Anniversary Guitar Project
gibson 50th Anniversary Guitar Project
taylor 50th Anniversary Guitar Project
prs 50th Anniversary Guitar Project
collings 50th Anniversary Guitar Project
santa cruz 50th Anniversary Guitar Project

Exhibits & Performances

We will gather all the instruments to showcase at our school in November 2025 for a special alumni reunion, and at the Musical Instrument Museum or performing arts venue in the Phoenix area in November or December 2025.  We will also be exhibiting at the NAMM Show in Anaheim, in January 2026 and the Museum for Making Music in Carlsbad, CA. in late January or early February.

 We believe this will be a very unique and important exhibit, involving some of the finest luthiers and guitar making companies in the world, including our graduate custom guitar builders and management and employee ‘luthiers’ from major to smaller guitar making companies. 

Right – Richard Hoover (Santa Cruz Guitars) with his Roberto-Venn 50th Anniversary Guitar at the 2025 NAMM Show.


Here’s what is being created

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